Financial Hold Up and an Interim Project

 In the beginning of 2020, we were making great headway and finally received all the permits required to green light our project.  With the onset of COVID-19, we slowed on our progress obtaining financing to build the structure and subsequently outfit it with the equipment required to do business.  Our long time lender moved to another bank which does not intend to loan to new breweries and restaurants.  This led us to preparing lots of financial paperwork for submission to new banks.  We have had two banks show significant interest as of the end of September, so we are feeling optimistic for a Early Spring Ground breaking in 2021. 

In the meantime....

We began talking in May about renting the old Wally's bagel shop on Ferry Road.  This location, now owned by a new landlord, lends itself to a great opportunity to build and nano brewery and tasting room.  This will serve as an incubation space for our business, where we can get all licenses in place, begin selling product and building excitement for our final home.  The space has many of the amenities required for a brewery and is set up such, that we can provide an exciting brewery experience for the customer.

We signed a lease that began August 1st and have been working diligently bringing the space up to speed. We also purchased a 1.5 BBL Pilot system that we will use to brew all of our beers for the pilot space, and then when we move to the Brew Pub, we will continue to use the system to supplement our production and research.  We also have acquired quite a few brewing vessels and restaurant equipment in the time we have started this project.  Some of these pieces will be used in the incubator space in our production.

So, here we go!  See the attached pictures for some of our fit up.

Our old pilot system finds a temporary home while we survey the renovations 

The back window is taken out and prepared for a garage door!

The existing counters from Wally's are continued and expanded!

The background for our new 1.5BBL, complete with existing vapor hood

We had to remove some of the drop ceiling to fit some of our serving tanks, we made it look pretty

The back room starts to take shape, with garage door, removal of the exterior man door, and final locations of water storage tank and waste tank. 

A view from the tasting area

Our first fermentor makes its way in!  A small 2BBL to use for our test batches.


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