
Showing posts from October, 2022

Things are beginning to take shape...

 Slow and Steady wins the Race At least that's our motto at this point.  The challenges of construction continue as we make our way into the fall weather (although today was nearly 70 degrees...). We battle with short staffed contractors, hard to get items, and the general slowness that is the construction world these days. Much has happened since our last check in.  Kevin Lovejoy and his team have been back to build out all of our porches and patios.  Despite the absolute girth and hugeness of these post and beams, Kevin and his son were able to assemble all the lumber in incredible time.  After, they put up some thick V-groove spruce that will act as the ceiling and the roof.   The interior continues to be in flux.  After framing out the walk in coolers, insulators came and sprayed foam between the studs.  Spray foam was also applied to the underside of the roof sheathing.  Thereafter, insulators used rock wool to stuff all the walls, makin...